Get ready before the party to prevent a hangover

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Whenever there is a party, there is always a hangover that lasts until the morning. Many people often have headaches and feel dizzy all day. But for party people, they tend to like the atmosphere of drinking and socializing more than the taste of alcohol. Therefore, the taste is like a part that completes the fun because alcohol has the effect of depressing the central nervous system and relaxing the muscles. When taken in a small amount, it helps you feel relaxed.

When alcohol enters the body, it can increase the amount of alcohol in the blood and cause intoxication. But when the blood alcohol level drops, it can result in a hangover. Hangovers often occur in the morning after drinking a large amount of alcohol at night.

Ways to prevent a hangover before the party

  • Never leave your stomach empty. Alcohol is most absorbed in the beginning of the small intestine. Absorption can be accelerated if your stomach is empty or if you drink it with a carbonated drink or soda. On an empty stomach, alcohol is absorbed directly into the bloodstream through the stomach lining, making you drunk and drowsy quickly.
  • Limit the amount of alcohol or alcoholic beverages you drink, and do not drink more than your body can tolerate. Men should drink no more than 3 units of alcohol per day and women no more than 2 units per day if they do not have liver disease. (1 unit of alcohol = 12-15 grams of alcohol, such as 120 cc of wine, 360 cc of beer, 30 cc of whiskey or vodka) Drinking more alcohol than your body can tolerate can lead to a hangover.
  • Drink 1-2 glasses of water every hour to keep your blood alcohol level from becoming too concentrated. Water may also help you avoid dehydration.
  • Drink slowly, drinking just one glass or less each hour.
  • Avoid dark colored alcoholic beverages and opt for clear colored alcoholic beverages, as dark colored alcoholic beverages contain a lot of congeners, which can cause severe hangovers.

Drink vegetable, fruit juice or vitamin B complex to reduce vitamin loss. Many hormones and enzymes are inhibited by the effects of alcohol. The most important is Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) that controls the kidneys to reabsorb water. When the ADH hormone is inhibited, the kidneys do not reabsorb water, so we urinate more frequently. This causes us to lose a lot of water and minerals until we feel tired. Vitamin deficiencies that are commonly found after drinking alcohol are vitamins A, B1, B3, B6, folate, vitamin E and the mineral selenium.