The doctor has warned you that the signs of a “damaged liver” can be checked from 3 abnormalities when “going to the bathroom”. Many people know when it’s too late.

In addition to kidney or stomach disease. Abnormalities in going to the toilet can also be a “cry for help” from the liver. Unfortunately, not everyone notices it.
In our busy modern life, people tend to ignore the subtle signals from their bodies. Meanwhile, Dr. Yang Lihua, a liver and gallbladder specialist from China, has warned that the liver is an organ that silently causes disease, making it difficult to detect early, especially with cirrhosis.
“Cirrhosis is a serious medical condition of the liver. In which liver tissue is damaged and gradually replaced by scar tissue,” the doctor said. The disease causes many dangerous consequences such as liver failure, bleeding, ascites, mental disorders, developing into liver cancer, impaired immune system and making it more susceptible to infections.
When cirrhosis occurs, the function of the liver is affected and many abnormalities occur both inside and outside the body. There are three very important abnormalities that can be observed while going to the toilet, but few people pay attention to them.
1. Abnormally dark urine
Urine is usually a pale yellow color. If you see urine that is the color of strong tea and remains that dark for a long time. This could be a sign of liver problems.
“When the liver is damaged, the function of liver cells decreases, affecting the metabolism of bilirubin,” explains Dr. Yang. “When the liver is unable to process bilirubin properly. It enters the bloodstream and is excreted in the urine, causing the urine to become darker. Some people with cirrhosis may notice that their urine has darkened, ranging from light yellow to dark yellow, or even brown or red.”
2. Pale stool
Normal stool color is brown or yellowish brown. If stool becomes pale and clay-like, Dr. Yang warns, it could be a sign of poor bile excretion. This is a key symptom of liver and bile duct disease, particularly cirrhosis.
The reason is that the liver produces bile, which flows into the intestines through the bile ducts and is involved in the digestion and absorption of food. When cirrhosis causes severe damage to the liver’s function, bile excretion is affected, resulting in increasingly pale stools that gradually turn white.
3. Frequent diarrhea without any known cause
Diarrhea is often associated with gastrointestinal disorders, but may also be associated with liver disease. In clinical practice, frequent diarrhea of unknown cause (excluding dietary factors) is often an early symptom of cirrhosis.
According to Dr. Yang, “Cirrhosis can affect the normal functioning of the intestines, causing malabsorption and increased bowel movements, leading to diarrhea. Some patients may mistakenly believe that they only have a gastrointestinal problem. However, if diarrhea persists and is accompanied by other symptoms such as fatigue, loss of appetite, and flatulence, the possibility of cirrhosis should be considered. Many patients with cirrhosis initially experience recurrent diarrhea, which may occur several times a day.”
Finally, Dr. Yang cautions that the above signs could be signs of other health problems, not necessarily liver disease. It is important not to panic, but also not to ignore them. Instead, see a doctor to find out the real cause and seek early treatment if necessary.