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Tag Archives: health

Dirt is useful.

Dirt is useful.

We need to understand this in a new way because in reality, the dirt layer is the epidermis layer that sticks to the top layer of skin along with the oil layer that coats the skin. It acts as a shield that protects the face

4 vaccines that "adults" should inject to prevent disease

4 vaccines that “adults” should inject to prevent disease

Although adults have a stronger immune system than children, But for some diseases. Even though we were vaccinated when we were children Immune levels gradually returned. Reduced to the point that it is no longer sufficient for disease prevention. Moreover, there are always new diseases

What causes measles? Symptoms and ways to prevent measles

What causes measles? Symptoms and ways to prevent measles

Measles is a contagious disease characterized by high fever and red rash. Caused by a virus And it is more common in young children, although adults can also be infected. This virus has a high ability to spread through inhalation. As a result, people who do

How to lose weight safely Not at risk of heart attack

How to lose weight safely Not at risk of heart attack

Everyone wants to be the owner of a good, proportionate figure. But successfully losing weight and getting in shape over the long term can be challenging. There are also many misconceptions about weight loss. Especially the more weight you can lose in a short period of time, the better. But